Thursday, June 10, 2010

There is none who could soothe my nerves,
None to share my pain with
No medicine will now ever cure me,
For my heart has been hardly hit.

The feeble mind plays so many tricks
Just to keep the hope alive
And maybe it is, hope and hope alone
That still permits me to live and thrive.

In my dreams I feel that tender touch
I smell that enchanting odor,
When I wake up I curse myself for feeling for her
A mere fact she won’t bother.

A world of differences set us apart
Yet we are so much like each other
But what if she rejects me
Is the only thought that makes me shudder?

I feel like I know her for years and years
I know her tip to toe
But still I fail to read her mind
What am I to her, a friend or foe?

Her aura is as warm as love
Her music rhythm divine
One could get lost the depth of her auburn eyes
Wish the pleasure was all mine.

My feeble mind still plays so many tricks
Now it makes me hear her voice
I wish I had been a better being
I wish I were her only choice.